2013 m. gegužės 8 d., trečiadienį, 17 val. VDU (309 auditorija) Socialinių mokslų fakulteto Socialinės antropologijos centro seminare – vizituojantis profesorius Victor de Munck iš Niujorko universiteto pristatė kognityvinės antropologijos taikymo galimybes.
Savo seminarą „How can culture be embodied and collective at the same time? Towards a new theory of culture“ V. de Munck pristatė taip:
Kroeber asked in 1917 how do 1000 individuals become a social group? Archer and Smelser, two Sociologists, distinguish between causal and logical coherence. Meaning that just because people act the same way doesn’t mean they think the same way. Thus how do we link culture to behavior. D’Andrade and others argue culture is a purely mental phenomenon; Abu-Lughod and many other anthropologists argue that the term culture is inherently ideological and provides frozen snapshots that distort the morass of contextuality in which we live. Synthesizing the „joint commitment/plural persons“ concept of Margaret Gilbert (a neo-Durkheimian philosopher), the „as if“ theory of culture developed by David Kronenfeld (a cognitive anthropologist), and the notion of „accessing the interiority of others“ that Douglas R. Hofstadter (a cognitive scientist) developed in explaining what happens after death, I propose a theory of culture that provides starting point for resolving the paradox of culture as located in the person and expressed in the collective.